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This course is designed to equip candidates with the essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to conduct the audit of ...
an entity effectively. Through this course, candidates will gain a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory framework governing external audits, International Standards on Auditing, and the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. They will also learn to implement audit planning, conduct audit risk assessments, apply the risk-based audit approach, and prepare non-complex audit reports.
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This course is designed to equip candidates with the essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to conduct the audit of an entity effectively. Through this course, candidates will gain a comprehensive understanding of the regulatory framework governing external audits, International Standards on Auditing, and the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. They will also learn to implement audit planning, conduct audit risk assessments, apply the risk-based audit approach, and prepare non-complex audit reports.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, candidates will be able to:
- Demonstrate an Understanding of the Regulatory Framework Governing the External Audit of Financial Statements: Understand and apply the regulations and standards that guide the external audit process.
- Demonstrate an Understanding of International Standards on Auditing and the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants: Apply international auditing standards and ethical guidelines to ensure the integrity and independence of the audit process.
- Implement the Process of Planning an Audit, Prepare Audit Programs, and Effectively Conduct an Audit: Develop and execute detailed audit plans and programs to carry out comprehensive audits.
- Undertake Audit Risk Assessments (Excluding Group Accounts): Identify and assess audit risks to ensure accurate and reliable audit outcomes.
- Apply the Risk-Based Audit Approach to Audit of Limited Companies: Utilize a risk-based approach to focus on areas of significant risk within limited companies, enhancing audit efficiency and effectiveness.
- Prepare Non-Complex Audit Reports for Audit Engagements: Compile clear and concise audit reports for non-complex audit engagements, ensuring all findings and recommendations are effectively communicated.
Nature and purpose of an audit
1Nature and objectives of an auditVideo lesson
2Development of auditVideo lesson
3Users of audited financial statementsVideo lesson
4Features of auditsVideo lesson
5Distinction between auditing and accountingVideo lesson
6Types and classification of auditsVideo lesson
7Situations when different audits are performedVideo lesson
8Advantages and disadvantages of various types of auditsVideo lesson
9Nature of work done for different auditsVideo lesson
10nherent limitations of an auditVideo lesson
Assurance and non- assurance engagements
11Definition and objectives of assurance engagementsVideo lesson
12Audit as an assurance engagementVideo lesson
13Elements of an assurance engagementVideo lesson
14Types of assurance engagementsVideo lesson
15Differences between audit and review engagementsVideo lesson
16International Standard on Assurance EngagementVideo lesson
17Accepting appointment to perform assurance engagementVideo lesson
18Review of interim financial informationVideo lesson
19Levels of assurance and reports issued on assurance engagementsVideo lesson
20Non-assurance engagementsVideo lesson
21Attestation and direct reporting engagementsVideo lesson
Regulatory framework for external audits
22Appointment of the auditorsVideo lesson
23Qualifications and disqualifications of auditorsVideo lesson
24Removal and resignation of auditorsVideo lesson
25Remuneration of the auditorsVideo lesson
26Rights and duties of auditorsVideo lesson
27Mechanisms of regulations of auditors-roleVideo lesson
Professional ethics/code of ethics
28Importance of the professional ethicsVideo lesson
29Basic principles for Code of Ethics for accountantsVideo lesson
30Other professional guidelinesVideo lesson
31Auditors independenceVideo lesson
32Threats to independence and safeguards.Video lesson
33Threats on adherence to other fundamental principlesVideo lesson
34Development and status of ISAsVideo lesson
35National Auditing StandardsVideo lesson
36Purposes/importance of adoption of ISA in the auditVideo lesson
Planning and Risk Assessment
37Obtaining, accepting and retention of an audit engagementVideo lesson
38Matters to consider before and after acceptance of nominationVideo lesson
39Pre-conditions of an auditVideo lesson
40Engagement letterVideo lesson
41Circumstances for revision of engagement termsVideo lesson
42Understanding the entity and its environmentVideo lesson
43Overview of audit processVideo lesson
Audit risk assessment
44Components of audit riskVideo lesson
45Assessment of different types of audit risksVideo lesson
46Factors leading to increase or decrease of risksVideo lesson
47Adoption of risk based auditVideo lesson
48Advantages and Disadvantages of the approachVideo lesson
49Evaluating and prioritising risk and control factorsVideo lesson
50Mechanisms to minimise the risks associated with client auditsVideo lesson
Audit planning
51Purpose and challenges in audit planningVideo lesson
52Planning for new and existing clientsVideo lesson
53Development of the overall audit strategyVideo lesson
54Contents of audit planning memorandumVideo lesson
55Relationship between audit strategy and audit planVideo lesson
56Design of audit programsVideo lesson
57Impact of material misstatements on audit strategyVideo lesson
58Influence of interim audit work on the year end/final auditVideo lesson
Audit documentation
59Reasons and importance of audit documentationVideo lesson
60Working papersVideo lesson
61Storage of working papersVideo lesson
62Lien on working papersVideo lesson
63Standardisation of working papersVideo lesson
64Safe custody and retention of working papersVideo lesson
65Form and content of working papersVideo lesson
66Automated working papersVideo lesson
67Quality control policiesVideo lesson
68Objectives of quality controls to the audit firmVideo lesson
69Peer review and its objectivesVideo lesson
Internal control systems (ICS)
70ObjectivesVideo lesson
71ComponentsVideo lesson
72FeaturesVideo lesson
73Designing of internal control systemVideo lesson
74Auditors and management responsibility over ICSVideo lesson
75inherent limitations of ICSVideo lesson
76ndicators of weaknesses in ICSVideo lesson
77The evaluation of internal control systemsVideo lesson
78Tests of controls on specific control environmentsVideo lesson
79Internal controls theoryVideo lesson
80Communication of improvements on ICS weaknessesVideo lesson
Internal Audit Function
81Scope and objectives of internal auditVideo lesson
82Criteria of using internal audit workVideo lesson
83Areas of support on external auditors’ workVideo lesson
84Internal audit review reportsVideo lesson
85Design of risk based internal audit planVideo lesson
86Internal audit key performance indicatorsVideo lesson
87Managing and monitoring follow up of audit recommendationsVideo lesson
88Outsourcing internal audit functionVideo lesson
89Audit committee-functionsVideo lesson
90Internal check systems-scopeVideo lesson
91Information technology threats and controlVideo lesson
92Auditors duty on compliance with laws and regulationsVideo lesson
Forensic Accounting
Errors, Frauds and Irregularities
97Differences between error and fraudsVideo lesson
98Types of errorsVideo lesson
99Types of FraudsVideo lesson
100Causes of frauds and fraud triangleVideo lesson
101Indicators of errors and fraudsVideo lesson
102Detection and prevention of errors and fraudsVideo lesson
103Materiality and Implications of errors and fraudsVideo lesson
104Impact of errors and frauds on the audit planVideo lesson
105Reporting on error and fraudsVideo lesson
106External auditors and ManagementVideo lesson
107Auditors professional skepticismVideo lesson
Audit evidence
108Financial statement assertionsVideo lesson
109Types and features of audit evidenceVideo lesson
110Audit evidence gathering proceduresVideo lesson
111Materiality and limitations of audit evidenceVideo lesson
112Financial statement assertions and audit evidenceVideo lesson
113Audit sampling techniquesVideo lesson
114Analytical reviews proceduresVideo lesson
115Types of analytical ProceduresVideo lesson
116Using the work of expertsVideo lesson
117Using management representationsVideo lesson
Auditing in the public sector
118Introduction to auditing in the public sectorVideo lesson
119Objective and scope of public sector auditVideo lesson
120Establishment, mandate and functions of public sector auditorsVideo lesson
121The parties to audit in public sector-auditorVideo lesson
122Role of internal audit function in public entitiesVideo lesson
123Relationship between external and internal auditorsVideo lesson
124Audit reports by office of Auditor GeneralVideo lesson
125Functions of audit advisory boardVideo lesson
Auditors Reports
126Purposes of auditors’ reportVideo lesson
127Legal /Statutory provisions on audit reportsVideo lesson
128Basic elements contents of audit reportsVideo lesson
129Emphasis of the matter paragraphVideo lesson
130Types and Consequences of different types of audit reportsVideo lesson
131Features of unqualified and qualified audit reportsVideo lesson
132Reasons for qualifications of audit reportsVideo lesson
133Types of qualifications-disclaimerVideo lesson
134Overall audit review and finalisationVideo lesson
135Subsequent eventsVideo lesson
136Going concern reviewVideo lesson
137Management representationsVideo lesson
138Review of compliance with accounting policiesVideo lesson
139Format for presentation of independent auditor’s reportVideo lesson
Auditing in a computerised system
140Audit objectives in computerised systemsVideo lesson
141Differences between computerised and manual systemsVideo lesson
142Benefits and drawbacks of computerised accounting systemsVideo lesson
143Types of controls in computerised systemsVideo lesson
144Auditors use of computers in the course of auditVideo lesson
145Planning the audit in computerised systemsVideo lesson
146Audit approachesVideo lesson
147Loss of audit trailVideo lesson
148Computer Assisted Audit TechniquesVideo lesson
149Types of audit software and functionsVideo lesson
150Factors considered before using CAATSVideo lesson
151Advantages and disadvantages of CAATSVideo lesson
152Use of embedded audit modules and integrated test facilitiesVideo lesson
153Information security controlsVideo lesson
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Course details
3 Months
36 Hours
Popular courses
Working hours
Monday | 9:30 am - 6.00 pm |
Tuesday | 9:30 am - 6.00 pm |
Wednesday | 9:30 am - 6.00 pm |
Thursday | 9:30 am - 6.00 pm |
Friday | 9:30 am - 5.00 pm |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |